Fancy a few hours to yourself, connecting with other crafters, playing with new yarns and enjoying some yummy cake while you’re at it? Well, that’s the idea behind The Muse Connection. A series of gatherings celebrating creativity, inspiration and the amazingness of making things, The Muse Connection is hosted by Helen Stewart of Curious Handmade ( and Kate of A Playful Day ( “We felt like it was time for a new kind of event, something that focused on interacting with other makers,†says Kate. “As busy mums running our own businesses, Helen and I don’t get much time to indulge our hobbies, so three hours of inspiration, yarn, great company and cake seemed like the perfect way to spend an afternoon!â€
Tickets cost £18 and include a goodie bag worth over £15 plus food, drink, talks from knitting designers or yarn dyers and great company. Volume One ran in March and was a great success. The second Volume will be held in June at The Parcel Yard, King’s Cross, and is already sold out – but keep an eye out for details of the next event.
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