Inside Crochet - 40, April 2013

40, April 2013

It might be offi cially springtime, but April is one of those months that is notoriously changeable weather wise, meaning you never know quite what to wear. With this in mind, our new issue is packed with gorgeous projects perfect for layering and dressing for the indecisive British climate. The new season fashions are also hitting the high street – turn to page 12 for our guide to the biggest trends as well as tips on what to crochet this spring.

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Inside this issue

As the clement weather fi nally begins to surface, I always want to fl ing open the windows and feel a warm(ish) breeze cleansing the house after a long winter. This time of year is perfect for a liberating spring clean. To help in the organising of all the stash, paperwork and trinkets you’re likely to unearth, try hooking some storage and  organisationalprojects, such as Vicki Brown’s cheerful baskets on page 69. Personally, I’ve already got a stack of projects on the go, designed by ourresident columnist Sara  Sinaguglia. This issue’s dream catcher in calming, pretty, ice-cream shades is queued in my own project basket. It will make theperfect addition to my daughter’s nursery, while I cross my fi ngers that it will ease the teething-induced bad dreams.

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175 issue

175 issueWinter warmth: Toasty layers inspired by breezy coastal walks Read more...

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