Blogs We Love: Melody Fulone

Date: 5th October 2015 | Category: News

Melody Fulone -

Tell us about yourself…
I’m a 20-something left-handed creative, and I currently live in historic New Hampshire with my family!

How long have you been blogging?
Since roughly 2007.

What inspired you to start blogging and what keeps you motivated?
When I first started blogging I was writing a personal daily life blog, but I was soon inspired by my crocheting adventures to start a creative blog! I wanted to post pictures of my projects and works-in-progress. Now I post patterns, DIY projects, and details about the products I’m selling in my Etsy shop ( as well. I’m constantly inspired to write or share something, which really helps keep me excited about my blog.

Do you use any other social media?
I do! I’m on Instagram a lot, and I’ve been using Twitter a lot more recently. I’m also on Pinterest quite frequently.

Have you made new friends through blogging?
Not so much when I was first starting out on the internet, but recently I started checking out the blogs of designers I follow on Instagram, and am developing good relationships now. I love the support and encouragement of the creative community!

How did you learn to crochet?

My mom taught me the basic chain and single crochet stitch (double crochet for you UK dwellers) when I was nine or ten.
I learned to make a somewhat lopsided doll blanket with those skills, and things just took off from there!

How did you start designing?
I discovered the website Ravelry and all the wonderful patterns and designers they have to over. After making an account, I found out I could contribute patterns of my own to the database, and actually get paid for them if I wanted! I got started right away.

What is your biggest source of inspiration?
History, for one thing. I love looking at fashion history, old
lace patterns, old styles. Another would be the trends of the day. I love the rustic, folksy trends, and I also love bright colours and florals. And of course Pinterest inspires me greatly.

What item in your studio/workspace couldn’t you live without?

My crochet hooks! And my laptop.

What are you working on at the moment?
A rather large fibre art commission for a restaurant. I’m making giant pendant lampshades out of twine and lots of bandages. It’s taking lots of patience.

Who are your favourite other bloggers, designers or authors?
Danielle of The Merriweather Council (
She’s an amazing inspiration, and she’s also an Etsy expert! She’s helped me a lot with my shop and I love reading her handmade business tips. I also love Brittany Welsh of Littlest Crochet Shop ( – she
sells crochet baby items and they are the absolute cutest.

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