Colour me happy
Date: 24th August 2018 | Category: News

Get togged up in your old clothes ready for a fun, friendly day out hand-dyeing at Black
Sheep Wools in Cheshire! Work in natural dyes on 21 September, when dye expert Debbie
Tomkies will show you how to mordant (fix) fibres, and dye luscious, solid shades. You
can also try your hand at rainbow dyeing and colour blending. In the advanced workshop
on 26 October Debbie will take you through cake dyeing, speckles, veils, ombrés and
gradients, colourway planning, colour-matching and basics of colour theory. Then, on
10 November, Debbie is running a synthetic hand-dye workshop, including yarn painting,
semi-solid dyeing, immersion and rainbow dyeing. We’re excited!
Workshops 10am–4pm, £65 each,
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