Margaret Jumper

Date: 10th October 2017 | Category: News


This stunning jumper by Catherine Waterfield is hooked in rich autumnal shades and based on the simple granny square technique. You can get your hands on this pattern project in the latest issue of Inside Crochet, available to order online and to download directly to your smart device right now.

Designer biography

Catherine lives in Wiltshire with her husband and two children, using her spare time to design knit and crochet garments.

● Noro Silk Garden Solo, 45% silk/45% mohair/10% wool, 50g/100m/109yds Yarn A: Grapevine 18 x 7 (7, 8, 9) balls
● Noro Silk Garden, 45% silk/45% mohair/10% wool, 50g/100m/109yds Yarn B: Penelope’s Garden 437 x 2 balls
● Debbie Bliss Angel, 76% mohair/24% silk, 25g/200m/219yds Yarn C: Heather 36 x 4 (5, 6, 6) balls

Add to the stash: Buy these silk-blend yarns from


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    KeithnalJL 10th October 2017 02:31

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    JosephAssusKU 10th October 2017 13:39

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  • JamesirrexYS

    JamesirrexYS 10th October 2017 14:04

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  • Kayleen

    Kayleen 27th January 2018 16:45

    Hi. I just started this pattern and I am stuck at the LEFT SIDE, first row. Instructions say to go from the bottom left to the top left, but crochet works from left to right?? so confused! Do I have to crochet all the way around to the other side?

175 issue

175 issueWinter warmth: Toasty layers inspired by breezy coastal walks Read more...

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